Sitemap - 2020 - Creative Samba

Assume nothing (when you're writing copy)

The sludge trap

So what's the concept?

Eat them to defeat them

Ahhh, the power of expectations

Don't mess with Texas

Involving the consumer

The persuasive way to use numbers

Stare at the X for 10 seconds & see the colors fade away

The Jaws effect

The persuasion power of the word "because". Because humans are weirdos

Two-sided messages: they sound stupid. And they work

Write like Warren Buffett, in Plain English

Why using active voice makes your copy easier to read

How to be the rare pink sheep in a World of white sheeps

Use your audience’s language, not yours

The Munich Agreement Fiasco — And another copywriting rule to make your writing shine brighter than gold

Breaking the Fourth Wall in copywriting

A little technique to write unignorable headlines —handle objections right away

Always sell a big idea

How Pro copywriters beat writer’s block? Try PAS.

A good ol' copywriting friend called AIDCA

You're not the one being sold to

"Give us the tools and we will finish the job"

Victims of groupthink and the bandwagon effect

How to write compelling benefits. So you can persuade people to open their wallets and buy whatever you’re selling (even a booooooring product like termite killing foam)

Style elements and how they can help you write powerful potent persuasive copy

Suspension bridges and backpacks. How unusual combinations can lead to BIG ideas

The Netflix copywriting technique. And the importance of voice, tone and style

The art “do desenrasca” to solve business problems. And how a $0-budget movie became America's No. 1 film during a nasty Global pandemic

Changing food habits and the art of self-persuasion

The Concorde Fallacy and why people make bad decisions

Italian cars, a cool math experiment, and how the anchoring bias influences the way you make decisions

The psychology of human behavior: A surprising marketing lesson from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Confirmation bias, and why it’s so hard to persuade rejecters of your brand

The Barry Manilow t-shirt experiment and how the Spotlight Effect affects your business

Rolls-Royce and how "the framing effect" influences how people make choices

A crazy Elvis Presley story, aha moments and how to change how you think about business problems

Why people tend to rely on mental shortcuts & biases when making quick decisions

Two systems: What marketers don't know (Plus a bonus ✍🏻 6 word copywriting challenge)

Karate lessons for your creative brain

Bangkok Smoking Kid: “You worry about me, but why not about yourself?”

These strippers are making lemonade out of lemons 🍋 during the COVID-19 pandemic

Japan's "Human Accidents" and the fascinating psychology of Japanese train stations

Creativity can save lives (and your business)

Lateral thinking during troubled times

A 7,000-pound problem

Connecting the dots through Port wine

Feeding the baby rabbits

15 extra minutes (David Bowie and the art of influencing people, not manipulating them)

Belgian biscuits, packaging & why copywriting matters more than you think