Thinking like a copywriter won't just help you write better. It will change how you think about business problems (And solve them with a good dose of creativity, with less effort)
Writing copy is hard. And contrary to popular belief, not everyone can write copy.
But the training is sensaaaaaaaational (and super useful in whatever field you work).
Like being a Buddhist monk or a criminologist or a journalist, "being" a copywriter teaches you a very distinct, sharp and special way of thinking.
You'll begin to see the World through different lenses.
And that way of thinking will change how you think about marketing and business problems. And how to turn business problems into BIG opportunities.
That’s why every week I send to my Creative Samba readers a fun bite-sized story about the power of creativity to solve business problems.
These stories are easy-to-read, relatable, surprising and thought provoking. And always. Always. 300 words max.
Paid members get the weekly edition of Creative Samba every Friday.
Everyone else gets one email a month (*cof cof… occasionally I might send two emails a month*).
I have a lot of fun writing these stories.
And my newsletter readers also have fun reading them. Here's what some of them wrote:
*Thanks Natalia, Jenny, Deborah, Rob, Marybeth, Ian, Jonathan, Anastasia, Michael, Josa and all my CS readers, you are awesome!*

If you’re an entrepreneur, indie hacker, manager, marketer, designer, or just someone who wants to improve your persuasion and influencing skills, this newsletter is for you.
What to expect:
Fridays: You'll get one thought provoking, surprising and fun bite-sized story about the power of creativity to solve business problems.
These short stories are packed with actionable insights about marketing, copywriting, consumer psychology and behavioral economics. I’ll also teach you how to use these insights so you can write more persuasive copy for ads, emails, landing pages, pitch decks and sales funnels.
Occasionally, Creative Samba comes with a weekly mini creative exercise (and my guidance) to improve your writing and problem-solving skills.
Full access to the Creative Samba private archive.
My best work.
All this for only $30.99 a year.* That's less than the price of a good bottle of red wine. It's a bargain if you think about it. Because a bottle of red wine you drink it once, and it's gone.
But when you subscribe to Creative Samba, you’re investing 💰 in yourself.
*cof cof There's also a monthly option for $5.99, but you won’t save $40.89 a year. *
Still having second thoughts? Here are eight things Creative Samba will help you achieve:
Make much better decisions, in work and life.
Write with clarity and simplicity, like Pro copywriters do.
Write better copy, faster - even if writing isn't your thing.
Know how to use mighty powerful psychological principles when you write copy for ads, emails, landing pages, pitch decks and sales funnels.
Improve your persuasion and influencing skills.
View the World differently.
Come up with new ideas by connecting the dots, the ones most people miss.
Identify and solve big fat marketing & business problems with less effort.
Who will love Creative Samba:
Curious entrepreneurs, indie hackers, marketers, managers and designers interested in seeing the World through different lenses;
Anyone who wants to learn more about how and why people make the decisions they make.
Anyone who enjoys reading interesting, pertinent and thought provoking lessons, observations and thoughts on the intersection between copywriting, behavioral economics, marketing, consumer psychology and business;
Any Nassim Nicholas Taleb fans;
Any Rory Sutherland fans;
Any Derek Sivers fans;
Anyone who loves reading stories of brands and people that break boundaries through creative bravery - even if you don't work in marketing/advertising.
Anyone who loves reading short, bite-sized newsletters. Because seriously, who has time for 800+ word emails?
Anyone who wants to learn about persuasion and how to influence people.
Anyone who wants to improve their writing and creative problem-solving skills.
Don’t want to pay? No problemo. Free members still receive my newsletter. But you'll only get 1 bite-sized story per month (instead of one every week).
1. "Why should I pay for a newsletter when I can google anything and get so much free stuff?"
Well...for two reasons.
1. There's no such thing as a "free stuff". Because "free stuff" isn't actually free. It usually comes with a price tag. And it's usually annoying ads, sponsored posts, clickbait or affiliate links. Remember that Google, Facebook or Instagram are only free because they are monetizing your attention, time, and private data.
2. People don't value things they get for free, they value what they pay for. It's human nature. Our brains our wired that way.
And If you pay for my newsletter I can 100% guarantee that you are going to open up every single email I send you (Or at least 90% of them).
Because you're intrigued.
You're paying for it because you believe that the stuff I have to say is valuable.
You believe that you'll get more than what you paid for.
You believe that my actionable insights (and ocasional mini creative exercises) will help you improve your writing and creative problem-solving skills.
And if the stuff I send you isn't good enough, I'm also 100% sure that you're going to email me and say, "Miguel, this is shit! Remind me why am I paying for this?".
So the truth is... I'm actually doing a favor for people who want to get out of a mental rut. And discover new ways of connecting the dots to solve marketing & business problems.
2. How much does it cost? And what's in it for me?
$30.99 a year. For less than the price of a good bottle of red wine...
Support indie publishing ✊
You’ll also improve your creative problem-solving skills, like:
How to make much better decisions, in work and life.
Write with clarity and simplicity, like Pro copywriters do.
Write better copy, faster - even if writing isn't your thing.
Know how to use mighty powerful psychological principles when you write copy for ads, emails, landing pages and sales funnels.
Improve your persuasion and influencing skills.
View the World differently.
Come up with new ideas by connecting the dots, the ones most people miss.
Identify and solve big fat marketing & business problems with less effort.
3. Is this just a paid members only newsletter?
No, there's also a free version. Give it a try and if you really really realllllllly like what you're receiving you can always become a supporting member later.
4. So what's the difference between Creative Samba's free newsletter and the paid version?
Free members get:
Thought provoking, surprising and fun bite-sized stories about the power of creativity to solve business problems. 300 words max. Delivered to your inbox only once a month.
Paid members get:
Fridays: You'll get one thought provoking, surprising and fun bite-sized story about the power of creativity to solve business problems.
These short stories are packed with actionable insights about marketing, copywriting, consumer psychology and behavioral economics. I’ll also teach you how to use these insights so you can write more persuasive copy for ads, emails, landing pages, pitch decks and sales funnels.
Occasionally, Creative Samba comes with a weekly mini creative exercise (and my guidance) to improve your writing and problem-solving skills.
Full access to the Creative Samba private archive.
My best work.
5. Can I cancel my subscriptions whenever I want?
Obviously. Just follow these instructions.
Who is this guy behind Creative Samba anyway?
Hey there. My name is Miguel Ferreira. I run a copywriting agency called Teardwn.
You might be familiar with this newsletter. It was part of a side project called Nishi I created in 2018 to showcase and celebrate websites that nail copywriting. But then this newsletter just grew a life of its own, and now it's its own separate thingy.
I’m also the guy behind Copy Ipsum and Chill Music Club.
Thanks for reading and see you out there. 🙏🏻
P.S. Are we Twitter friends yet?